Here are A couple real tools of the trade.
I wonder how many thousands of people die yielding fantasy weapons like chainsaws, fake swords and large caliber firearms. I once saw a lucky bastard take a single swing as a loan moaner with his store bought 'samurai' sword when the the blade snapped over it's skull. In the ensuing scramble the same fella dropped 4 moaners with a piece of rebar imbedded in a chunk of concrete. I suppose if there was time to blush, he would have.
It's hard to fathom how many lives have been saved with a simple claw hammer, and how many lives have been taken by the shoddy construction of a Klingon Ceremonial dagger.
The above left weapon was a very popular mod to a first gen hooligan bar. In the early days of looting, door prying and lock pulling the early generations of the hooligan bar made sense. Not only were there the moaners to worry about, but there was the unattended locks, doors and barriers that created deadly blocked exit routes. There were a couple disadvantages to the early hooligans. The side mounted pry bar would not allow pecking through cracks. It was one of the first mods to get ground away in later versions. The first generation also had the disadvantage of being only forwardly directional. Many users welded loops on the shaft to give a second chance at keeping hold of the weapon if it became lodged into something.
The above right is the later generation Hooligan, also known as the 'Nutcracker'. The hand loop is wisely shielded, the prybar is now ground down, and puncture points are added to the top, bottom and reverse side. The Nutcracker is also designed for plunge kills. The user can hold the two points at the top and plunge into craniums from above. This move is known as the jackhammer. The other plunge technique is when the user unravels the lanyard and drop the Nutcracker from a height for 'Anchor' kills. Be warned, Anchor kills do risk loss of the weapon if it becomes tangled or snagged, but when you are trapped in a floor above, and cant spike them with jackhammers, the anchor drop will have to do.
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